Tramite l’Ambasciata d’Italia ad Atene, che si unisce alla manifestazione di vicinanza e solidarietà, riceviamo e diffondiamo una lettera della Federazione panellenica degli operatori socio-sanitari del Sistema Sanitario greco:
Dear Mr Ambassador,
On behalf of all members of the Pan-Hellenic Trade Nursing Federation of the National Health System, we would like to express our deepest sympathy and solidarity to all Italians health care professionals for their continuous efforts in order to manage, treat and prevent the spread of the Covid – 19 outbreak in Italy and worldwide. Their professional attitude, self denial, devotion and sacrifice are admirable and inspirable for all the Greek registered nurses. As the Covid – 19 makes
its appearance in Greece, we will face it with the same courage and determination as our Italian colleagues are doing for the last weeks.
We would like also to express our deepest condolences for all your national loses from Covid – 19. Our thoughts and prays are focused in your country and to our colleagues who are fighting with altruism and bravely every day, by all means to protect and to treat their fellows citizens from Covid – 19.
Autore: Redazione