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  • The President of CEOM (the Council of the Associations of European doctors) expressed his feelings of grief

The President of CEOM (the Council of the Associations of European doctors) expressed his feelings of grief

«I was in Paris a few days ago, as a guest of the French National Council. I express my deepest sympathy for my colleagues and for the French people, wounded by such a contemptible attack. What happened leaves us speechless, in that French society is by definition multiethnic and multicultural; in the French National Council itself I had the chance to meet colleagues coming from different countries, with different nationalities and traditions. These attacks are the trigger of the deepest indignation in those who fight for freedom».

Thus Nicolino D’Autilia, the Presidentof CEOM (the Council of the Associations of European doctors), expressed his feelings of grief.

Dr. Autilia, this episode of violence, perhaps the worst attack in recent years, is a major weak point even for the psychological perceptionof health and safety…

In a time in history when we are headed towards an increasingly growing circulation of doctors and citizens, and of their ideas, these attacks might induce to think that, from now on, specific circumstances will be purposely created to establish a climate of constant fear, and therefore a reduction of such possibility of travelling and moving around.

However, knowing the French people, I believe that this is just not going to happen. This difficult moment will be faced and overcome without the core genetic features of the French people being undermined, as the ability to travel, integrate and project themselves into the future seems to be written in their DNA.

What could we say to our French colleagues in order to cooperate and set a common project of intervention and alliance?

As the President of CEOM, I believe that the plan, already started, is that of a continuous and progressive integration of the policies of the different countries, in order to improve the health systems and to standardize our ethical practices, in which there are no differences in age, ethnicity, gender nor religion. Doctors are and remain doctors. Our best response is to keep working to promote dialogue between nations in the name, also, of our professional ethics.

Autore: Redazione FNOMCeO

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